Check out my latest web software development portfolio projects

Burger Application

This application demonstrates a simple full stack development application with front end implemented with an HTML/CSS and Bootstrap 4. The backend is implemented with Node.js and Express and deployed to Heroku. The database was constructed with MySQL and implemented to Heroku with JawsDB. The HTML templating was completed with Handlebars. The app allows the user to enter any burger name to add it to the menu. This enters the burger's information into the MySQL database. When a burger is created, it is added to the available burger menu, and it's default "devoured" status is set to false. When the user clicks the "Devour" button to eat a burger, then it changes the saved "devoured" boolen to false in the database, and the burger is moved to the "devoured" menu.

GitHub Repository Live Site

Ticket Tracker

Full Stack Service Desk Application that allows users to track issues by creating, viewing, updating and removing tickets. This project was created with the help of four other contributors. My role on this project was to write the JavaScript, create the backend, manage the repository, and provide assistance to my other teammates.

GitHub Repository Live Site

Employee Tracker

This command line application can be used to preform basic Human Resource management functions, such as view and manage employees, roles, salaries, and departments for a business. This application was developed with JavaScript, Inquirer, MySQL, and Node.js.

GitHub Repository

Team Profile Generator

This Node command line application will dynamically create a HTML page containing contact information about your employees. The employee's information is generated through inquirer prompts, and through the use of ES6 classes each employee can have specific roles. I created this CLI with Node, Inquirer, Jest, HTML, JavaScript, Bootstrap 4, and Font Awesome.

GitHub Repository

Note Taker

A server-side note taker application which allows the user to create, modify, and delete notes which are saved to a database. The application was developed with JavaScript, Node.js and Express. I deployed the application on Heroku.

GitHub Repository Live Site